This community of medical, surgical and allied specialists involved in cancer shall be known as “Philippine Society of Oncologist, Inc.[1] “ , which is an affiliate society of the Philippine Medical Association.
The national office shall be in Metro Manila, Philippines, as designated by the Executive Council.
The objectives of the Society are:
1. To bring together the various disciplines engaged in the study, diagnosis and management of neoplastic diseases.
2. To promote the advancement of the science and practice of oncology.
3. To maintain the highest standards of practice in oncology.
4. To foster cancer research and technological development.
5. To assist in the national cancer control program.
6. To promote the interest, welfare and proficiency of its members.
7. To promote and perpetuate good fellowship among its members.
Section 1 – Categories of Membership
Membership in the Philippine Society of Oncologists, shall be in any following categories:
1.2Senior Fellow
1.3Affiliate Member
1.4Corresponding Member
1.5Honorary Member
Section 2 – Qualifications required:
2.1 A fellow shall fulfill the following requirements:
1. Shall be a Filipino citizen, duly licensed to practice medicine in the Philippines and registered with the Professional Regulation Commission.
2. Shall be a bona fide member of the Philippine Medical Association.
3. Shall have satisfactory moral, ethical and professional standing in the Specialty society and community.
4. Shall have passed the certifying examination of his/her specialty society/ board.
5. Shall be a registered Fellow or its equivalent and be an active member of HIS/HER specialty society recognized by the Philippine Society of Oncology.
6. Shall have demonstrated special interest in a particular field of oncology such as training program or research.
2.2 A Senior Fellow is one who has been a Fellow in good standing and Has reached the age of (65) years, or one who has been a Fellow in Good standing for at least Ten (10) consecutive years but has retired from the practice of medicine due to illness or incapacity.
Upon approval of his application he will continue to be listed in the roster of Fellows, but shall not pay the annual dues or have the right to vote or be required to attend the meetings.
2.3 Affiliate member is
1. A licensed physician who has shown special interest in oncology but is not yet a registered fellow and active member of his/her specialty society/board its equivalent.
2. An allied health professional in oncology (oncology nurse, researcher, and other health specialists) who have demonstrated their ability to participate in the study and care of patients with neoplastic disease.
2.4 A corresponding Member is a physician residing, and licensed to Practice medicine in a foreign country, with special interest in a field of oncology.
2.5 An Honorary Member may be awarded by the Executive Council upon recommendation of the Committee on Credentials and Membership, based on the following criteria:
1. Shall have attained national or international distinction in field of oncological and allied sciences.
2. Shall have rendered meritorious humanitarian services or endeavors for the
promotion of cancer control.
An Honorary Member shall have the privileges of membership but may not vote or hold office. He shall not pay annual dues.[2] [3]
Section 3 – Admission to Membership[4]
3.1 A Fellow or corresponding Member is admitted to the Society by applying to the Executive Council. The Committee on Credentials and Membership shall review his qualifications and make its recommendations to the Executive Council for final action.
3.2 Application for charge of status to Senior Fellow is coursed through the Committee on Credentials and Membership who shall make its recommendation to the Executive Council for final action.
3.3 Affiliate Members must be sponsored by two active society members.[5]
Section 1 – Duties and Obligations
To be deemed in good standing, a fellow:
1.1. Shall affix his signature in the official Roll of Fellows of the Society;
1.2 Shall conduct himself according to the prescribed Code of Ethics of the Philippine Medical Association;
1.3 Shall attend and participate in meetings, seminars, conventions and other Activities of the Society;
1. Shall attend at least 50% of seminars of the society in a year.[6]
2. Shall attend the annual convention including the business meeting at least once every 2 years unless excused for cause; and
1.4 Shall regularly pay his dues, fees and other assessments.[7]
Section 2 – Rights and Privileges
1.5 A Fellow shall have the right to affix the title of Fellow of the Philippine Society of Oncology, Inc. (F.P.S.O.) after his name and academic degree and in professional communications.
1.6 A Fellow in good standing shall have the right to vote and be voted upon[8] Unless disqualified by virtue of the provisions of these By-Laws, such, As in the case of Senior Fellows, Affiliate Members, Corresponding Members and Honorary Members[9] .
1.7 Shall have the right to vote, be eligible to serve on committees, hold office, and participate in activities of the society.
1.8 An Affiliate Member will have the right to:
a. attend meetings
b.will be eligible to serve on all committees of the Society.
1.9 Affiliate Members cannot vote or hold office in the Society
1.10 All categories of Members shall be entitled to participate in all functions of the Society.
Section 3 – Inactive Members
A member is declared inactive if he fails:
3.1 to pay dues and other financial obligations to the Society for three consecutive years without justifiable cause.
3.2 to attend at least 50% of seminars in the previous year, or
3.3 to attend the annual convention for 2 consecutive years without justifiable cause. Notice of such delinquency shall be sent to the member by registered mail after which all privileges of membership shall be suspended.
Section 4 – An inactive member may apply for reinstatement:
4.1 by paying dues in arrears both for current and past years,
4.2 by writing a letter expressing continued interest in membership
Such application shall be evaluated by the Committee on Membership and Regional Chapters and recommended to the Council for final action.
Section 5 – Section 5 – If within a period of three (3) years after he is notified by registered mail of his inactive status, a Fellow fails to apply for reinstatement without justifiable explanation, he shall be automatically dropped from the roster of the Society. Notice of such action shall be communicated to the inactive Fellow at his last registered address.
Section 1 – The annual membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Council and presented to the general membership during the Annual Convention.
Section 2 – The annual membership dues shall be paid by the Fellows within the current year.
Section 3 – The Executive Council may impose assessments and fees for projects, special purposes and other activities as deemed necessary to carry out the objectives of the Society such as application fee, induction fees, convention fee, etc.
Section 4 – Senior Fellows and Honorary Members are exempted from paying these dues and fees.
Section 1 – Ethics
1.1 Recognizing HIS professional responsibilities and the integrity of his specialty, all members of the Philippine Society of Oncology must pledge to the Code of Ethics of the Philippine Medical Association. He shall be so guided in a manner befitting the dignity of his specialty.[10]
1.2 Each member, upon being accepted no[11] the Society, shall receive and sign a copy of the Oath of Fellowship to the Society at the same time of induction.[12] [13]
Section 2 – Disciplinary Action
2.1 A complaint against any member of the Society for violation of the Code of Ethics, unprofessional or unethical acts, shall be filed with the President of the Society.
2.2 This complaint shall be referred to the Committee of Ethics.
2.3 The committee shall conduct an investigation within 15 days from its receipt of the complaint. The concerned member shall be given ample opportunity to answer the charges against him before the committee.
2.4 The committee shall submit the results of the investigation and its Recommendation to the Executive Council within 120 days after start of the Investigation.
2.5 The Executive Council shall review the recommendations and take action within 60 days from receipt of the committee report.
Section 3 – Guidelines for Violation and Committed Acts
3.1 Unethical act – violation of the provisions ad[14] precepts of the Code of Ethics of Philippine Medical Association.
3.2 Unprofessional act – an act not in conformity with the standards of the medical profession.[15]
3.3 Guidelines on unethical or unprofessional act applicable to the specialty of the oncology shall be formulated by the Committee on Ethics and Professional Relations subject to approval of Executive.[16]
Section 4 – Guidelines for Penalty
The penalty that shall be imposed shall be commensurable to the gravity of the offense and as to whether it is a first or repeated offense. The penalties are (1)Reprimand (2) fine (3) suspension for a definite or indefinite period (4) expulsion from the society.[17]
Section 1 – There shall be an Executive Council who shall exercise the corporate powers of the Society, conduct its business and administer its funds and property.
Section 2 – The council shall consist of four (4) Executive Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer), five (5) Executive Councilors, and the Immediate Past President.[18]
Section 3 – The members of the Executive Council shall be elected during the annual meeting for a Term of one year.[19]
Section 4 – Any vacancy in the Executive Council shall be filled by the Executive Council if still constituting a quorum within 30 days from the time of declaration of the vacancy. Such elected Executive Council shall serve only the unexpired term of that office.
Section 5 – The Chairman of standing committees shall be ex-officio members of the Council unless they are regular members[20] . As such, they shall have a voice but shall not vote in the deliberations of the council.
Section 6 – The functions of the Executive Council shall be:
6.1 to act as the policy-making body of the Society and to carry out the provisions of the By-Laws of the Society.
6.2 to determine the activities of the Society during its tenure in office;
6.3 to approve the appointment of the officers, committees and other positions as submitted the President;
6.4 to appropriate funds for projects and other activities of the Society;
6.5 to accept donations, grants, bequests and other kinds of contributions on behalf of the Society;
6.6 to manage, invest and otherwise conserve the funds and assets of the Society;
6.7 to act on applications for admission, change of status, inactivation, reinstatement, resignation, dropping from the rolls of members;
6.8 to approve or amend proposals or recommendations of the officers and Committees;
6.9 to fill up vacancies in the Executive Council in the event of resignation, termination , incapacity or death.
6.10 to perform any function or duty that will further the objectives of the Society.
Section 7 – Meetings
7.1 The Executive Council shall meet at least six times a year at such date, time and place as the President may designate.
7.2 A special meeting may be called by the President or upon the written request of at least four members of the Executive Council.
7.3 The presence of a majority of the regular member of the Executive Council at least one Executive officer is present shall constitute a quorum.[21]
Section 8 – The members of the Executive Council including the Executive Officers shall not received financial compensation for the services rendered to the Society.[22]
However, they may be reimbursed for the expense[23] incurred in relation to the official duties such as council and committee meetings, travel, production of materials to be utilized for Society activities as approved by the Executive Council.
Section 9 – The executive Council by a vote of at least 2/3 of its members may remove from office any elected or appointed Executive Councilor or officer of the Society for deliberate failure to comply with his duties and responsibilities or due to incapacity to serve after a reasonable period of notice.
Section 1 – The Executive Officers of the Society shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.[24] They shall be elected by the Executive Council from among its members for a term of one year. They may be re-elected to the same position for one more year. One year should elapse before the officer shall be eligible for election to the same position.
Section 2 – Other officers as may be deemed necessary by the Council shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Council.
Section 3 – The term of office of the newly elected officers shall commence on the first day of January or as soon as they qualify thereafter and terminate on the last day of December of the same year or until their successors shall be elected and qualified.
Section 4 – An office may be permanently vacated by resignation, incapacity or death of the incumbent. In case of prolonged absence, illness or incapacity of the President, the Council may by 2/3 vote declare the office vacant in which case the Vice-President, shall assume the presidency until such time that the President may resume his duties. In case the office of the President and Vice-President both become vacant, the Secretary shall act as President until such time that the Council can meet for the purpose of electing a new President until the next regular election.
Section 5 – The duties of the President shall be:
5.1 to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society;
5.2 to preside over all meetings of the Executive Council and of the Society.
5.3 to officially represent the Society in the official functions, meetings and other related activities
5.4 to appoint other officers and members of committees with approval of the Council;
5.5 to sign all certificates, reports, communications, checks, contacts, deeds and other instruments;
5.6 to carry out or cause to be carried out all orders or resolutions of the Council; And
5.7 to perform all duties incident to the office of the President and such other duties as may be assigned by the Council
Section 6 – The[25] duties of the Vice-President shall be:
6.1 to discharge the duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence or incapacity of the latter;
6.2 to perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President or the Board.
Section 7 – The duties of the Secretary shall be:
7.1 to keep a record of the meeting of the Council and the Society;
7.2 to act as the custodian of the records and the seal of the Society;
7.3 to take charge of correspondence of the Society and Council
including notices of meetings, notification of appointments and other communications;
7.4 to issue and sign with the President certificates of membership, awards, communications and similar instruments;
7.5 to render annual reports in behalf of the President and the Council;
7.6 to keep a list of all members showing address, dates of admission, and other data; and
7.7 to perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.
Section 8 – The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
8.1 to collect dues and other fees from members and receive grants, donations,
Bequests and contributions from any source;
8.2 to deposit all moneys, checks and other funds of the Society in a bank or banks
Designates by the Council;
8.3 to pay all expenses approved by the Executive Council or President;
8.4 to prepare a balance sheet and statement of financial condition of the Society and report the same at the Annual Meeting;
8.5 to sign with the President all checks, vouchers, accounts and similar instruments of the Society; and to perform all the duties incident to the office of the Treasurer, and such other duties assigned by the President or the Council.
Section 1 – There shall be organized Committees for the purpose of planning and implementing activities and studies for the Society. The Standing Committees shall be as follows:
1.1 Committee on Annual Convention
1.2 Committee on Awards
1.3 Committee on By-Laws and Legislation
1.4 Committee on Chapters
1.5 Committee on Credentials and Membership
1.6 Committee on Election and Nominations
1.7 Committee on Ethics
1.8 Committee on External Affairs
1.9 Committee on Publications
1.10 Committee on Research
1.11 Committee on Scientific Activities
1.12 Committee on Social Responsibility
1.13 Committee on Ways and Means
Section 2 – Each Standing Committee shall be composed of a Chairman and at least four (4) members who shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Council;
Section 3 – Members of standing committees shall hold office until their successors shall have been appointed.
Section 4 – The President and the Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all Committees.
Section 5 – Each Committee shall meet at least two (2) times a year and as needed to accomplish its functions. The presence of a majority of the members constitutes a quorum.
Section 6 – Each committee shall render a progress report of its plans and activities to the Council as required and an annual report at the Annual Meeting.
Section 7 – Special Committees may be created for particular purposes or projects by the Council and shall cease to exist upon the accomplishment of such purpose or project and the submission of the final report to the Council.
Section 8 – The functions of the Committee on Annual Convention shall be:
8.1. to prepare and implement the arrangements for the Annual Convention in coordination with other committees concerned such as a Scientific Program, Ways and Means, Publications, External Affairs, etc.
Section 9 – 9.1. to recommend the categories of awards that the Society shall confer and the conditions for such award;
9.2. to screen all nominations for the awards.
Section 10 – The functions of the Committee on By-Laws and Legislation shall be:
10.1. to receive, act, and recommend to the Council proposals for the amendments of the By-Laws
Section 11 – The functions of the Committee on Chapters:
11.1 to promote the formation of regional chapters in various parts of the country;
11.2 to screen the qualifications of regional chapters which apply for recognition and make recommendation to the Executive Council.
Section 12 – The functions of the Committee on Chapters:
12.1 to recommend guidelines for admission for membership pursuant to provisions for qualifications required in these By-Laws;
12.2 to accept applications for membership, evaluate and recommend to the Executive Council appropriate action according to the merits of the applicants;
12.3 to screen nominations for Honorary Membership and recommend to the Executive Council:
12.4 to maintain a current registry of members in good standing;
12.5 to recommend the change of status to Senior Fellow, the inactivation Of members and reinstatement of inactive members after compliance with requirements in the By-Laws;
Section 13 – The functions of the Committee on Election and Nominations:
13.1 to conduct the election of members of the Executive Council during the Annual Meeting accordance with the rules and procedures approved by the Executive Council;
13.2 the screen candidates nominated for election to the Executive Council and to present the qualified candidates during the election proceedings of the Annual Meeting.
Section 14 – The functions of the Committee on Ethics shall be:
14.1 to receive, investigate, and evaluate complaints against a member pertinent to ethical and professional practice;
14.2 to recommend guidelines on ethical relations among oncologists with other physicians, health workers and the public.
Section 15 – The functions of the Committee on External Affairs shall be:
15.1 to act as liaison of the Philippines Society of Oncology with other medical organizations, government agencies, media and other health related institutions.
15.2. to study and make recommendations to the Executive Council on proposed or approved legislation, ordinances, executive orders, rules and regulations and similar issuances by competent authorities, either government or private, affecting the practice of oncology.
Section 16 – The functions of the Committee on Publications shall be:
16.1 to prepare and publish the official newsletter and journal of the Society;
16.2 to inform the public through the media news regarding the programs and activities of the Society;
16.3 to publish educational and publicity materials on cancer for the general public.
Section 17 – The functions of the Committee on Research
17.1. to promote research among members of the Society.
Section 18 – The functions of the Committee on Scientific Activities shall be:
18.1 to plan a program of scientific meetings, seminars or postgraduate courses for the Society or in collaboration with other medical societies or professional health organizations;
18.2 to take charge of the preparation, arrangements and coordination of such scientific meeting.
Section 19 – The functions of the Committee on Social Responsibility are:
19.1 to plan and organize activities for community awareness and public Education on cancer;
19.2 to conduct creative activities for cancer patients
Section 20 – The functions of the Committee on Ways and Means shall be:
20.1. to plan and organize activities to raise funds for the Society.
Section 1 – Annual Convention
The Society shall hold its annual convention during the fourth quarter of every year or at such other time as may be determined by the Executive Council for special reasons. At this annual convention, there shall be a business meeting, the agenda of which shall include the reports of the President and Treasurer. The election of Executive Council members shall be held at this annual convention; the election of the executive council Officers will follow once the Executive Councilors have been elected.
Section 2 – Conduct of Election
There shall be a Committee on Election and Nominations composed of not less than Six(6) members appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive council to conduct the election of Council, the Committee’s decision on matters of procedure and content shall be final.
Section 3 – Special Meetings
The Executive Council by majority of its members may call for special meeting of the Society when necessary to act on urgent matters.
Section 4 – Quorum
The presence of at least 30 Fellows in good standing shall constitute a Quorum.
Section 5 – Scientific Meetings
The Society shall hold at least two (2) scientific meetings every fiscal year. The date and venue of these meetings shall be approved and decided by the Executive Council.
A national secretariat shall be organized which will be situated in the national office in Metro Manila, Philippines. The secretariat shall assist the Executive Council, officers and committees in the operation and activities of the Society. The personnel of the secretariat, their functions and compensation shall be determined by the Executive Council upon recommendation of the President.
Section 1 – The Executive Council upon petition of at least ten (10) Fellows in good standing may establish chapters in different regions, provinces or cities of the Philippines.
Section 2 – The by-laws of the Chapter shall not be inconsistent with that of the Society.
Section 3 – The Executive Council shall promulgate rules and regulations governing these chapters.
Section 4 – A Chapter may elect its officers to administer the affairs of the chapter.
Such officers shall render an annual report through the Executive Council.
Section 5 – A Chapter may levy annual dues as it may decide provided the annual membership fees and assessments to the Society are remitted to the Treasurer of the Society.
Section 6 – When for any reason, the membership of the Chapter for 3 consecutive years falls to five (5) or less, the Executive Council at its discretion may abolish the charter of the Chapter.
Section 1 – Source of Funds
The Funds of the Society shall come mainly from dues and fees as determined under Article VI. Other sources of income shall be grants, donations, bequests, other contributions, income from deposits and investments, sales of assets, fund raising activities and others.
Section 2 – The funds may be deposited in a bank or may be invested in such a manner as determined by the Executive Council with the view of safeguarding the assets of the Society.
Section 3 – Funds shall be appropriated by the Executive Council to defray the expenses of the Society in the pursuant of its projects and objectives.
Section 1 – Newsletter
An official Newsletter shall be published regularly. The editor-in-chief shall be appointed by the Executive Council.
Section 2 – Journal
The Journal shall be published, with the editor to be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Council. His term of office shall be three years without Prejudice to re-appointment.
Section 1 – The Society shall have an official seal which shall consist of two concentric circles; within the two circles are the words “Philippine Society of Oncologists, Inc., 1964 “ and within the inner circle is a staff of Aesculapius piercing a crab – symbolizing the battle against cancer.
Section 2 – The Official Seal shall be affixed on all documents, certificates of membership and in Communications.
Section 3 – The Official Banner contains the seal of the Society against a white background. The Letters and staff are in black, the snake in yellow and the crab in red.
Section 4 – The Official Banner shall be prominently displayed in all meetings and similar gatherings of the Society.
Section 5 – The name and seal of the Society shall be engraved in Presidential Medallion. It shall Be made of silver with the diameter of 6.5 cm. hanging from a red ribbon. It is transferred from the outgoing President of the Society during the Induction Ceremonies.
Section 1 – A Fellow in good standing may propose an amendment to the By-Laws.
Section 2 – The proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Council and forwarded to the Committee on By-Laws and Legislation for discussion.
Section 3 – The Committee may approve, modify or disapprove such proposed amendment(s) by majority vote, submitting its recommendations to the Executive Council.
Section 4 – Upon adoption or modification by the Executive Council by majority vote, the proposed amendment(s) shall be circulated to all Fellows in good standing at least thirty(30) Days before the Annual Meeting or Special meeting called for that purpose.
Section 5 – At the meeting, the general membership shall discuss and vote upon the proposed amendment(s). An affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members present shall be required for adoption of the amendment(s).
Section 6 – An amendment approved by the membership shall be effective immediately unless Otherwise provided in the amendment.